Originally delivered on 10/9/2023 5:17 pm

SUBJECT: Panther Postcard 09.24.23

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KiMS Fall Play sign-up info (Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors)

Does your student love plays? Do they want to be on stage? Do you often find them speaking in iambic pentameter? 

Then they might want to act in Kirkland Middle School's upcoming production of Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors. 

Sign up packets are in the KiMS front office now and will be accepted Tuesday, September 26 - Friday, September 30. It’s first-come/first-served, so don’t dally! 

Per our contract with Studio East, who will be directing, we can accept up to 20 actors as well as a few awesome crew members. 

(*Note: the spring musical, Ready! Player! Wonderland!, also directed by Studio East, will include up to 50 actors and have many roles big and small, some without lines, which might be a better fit for students who prioritize sports and other activities, or who want to act but don’t want to memorize many pages of Shakespeare. Spring musical runs April 1st - May 18th.)

  • Sign-up packets: available now in the KiMS front office 
  • Sign-up sheets due: September 26-30th
  • Mandatory Parent Meeting: October 2nd
  • Auditions: October 9th
  • Rehearsals: October 10 - November 16th, (2:30 - 5:00 M/T/Th; Wednesdays 1-3:30)
  • Performances: November 17th & 18th, at 7pm

(Actors may possibly be permitted to miss a few rehearsals as scheduled and approved ahead, but availability for Tech week and Shows mandatory.)

Actors participation fee $150, crew $25. The PTSA has financial assistance available if needed, so that any student who wants to may participate. 

Questions? Email parent volunteer Angel Reiss at producer@pantherplayhouse.org.

If your student would like to participate, please remind them to pick up a sign up form packet, and help them complete the Studio East forms: Student Emergency form, the Medical Information form, and the ArtReach Production Contract, which all require a parent/ guardian signature, and the October Rehearsal Conflicts and November Rehearsal Conflicts pages. There are five pages total to complete. The students need to initial all of the items in the contract.

Because Studio East limits this show to 20 actors, we will be accepting the first 20 actors to apply whose schedules meet the requirements of attending most rehearsals and ALL tech week rehearsals and performances.

We also welcome a few awesome crew members to apply. Please write CREW on the top of the forms if your student wants to be a crew member rather than an actor. Please write ACTOR at the top of the forms if your student wants to be an actor. There doesn’t seem to be a box to check anywhere for actor vs crew so please, be sure to write crew or actor on the tops of the pages if that is what your student is interested in. (Also they could write “actor, but crew ok”, if their first goal is to act but they would be interested in being on the crew if their application isn’t one of the first 20.)

Our Studio East ArtReach coordinator said that since this stage of the process is accepting first come first serve, we don’t need their acting history /skills information yet. So that is not in this packet. After we have a cast, we can get that information for the director to review as he begins the audition, callback and casting process. We will ask the coordinator to bring that form to the parents’ meeting on October 2nd.

From Tuesday morning, 9/26, we will have a closed sealed box in the office that has a drop off slot in the front. So Tuesday morning or later in the day they can submit their packet through the slot, and the forms will be in the order received. 

Last year 18 students applied to act in our Shakespeare play so all were accepted. In the event that there are more who apply this time, we are trying to be extremely fair and transparent and informative about the process. We are working within the parameters we have from Studio East.

Thanks for your support! 

See more info at Kirkland Middle School PTSA - Panther Playhouse (membershiptoolkit.com)

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