Originally delivered on 5/10/2024 6:41 pm

SUBJECT: Ending KiMS Appreciation Week Thanking YOU!

Panther Postcard header
Well done, Panther Families!

Sending HUGE thanks from KiMS staff, teachers, and PTSA for all the appreciation, gifts, breakfasts, desserts, and everything else that made this week extraordinary! 

Thanks to your generosity, we heard a lot of, "Wow!" "All this for us?" and "This is incredible!" from staff and teachers this week. 

It's always delightful to honor our staff and teachers, and we had a great week this year. THANK YOU!! 

Want to help us do appreciation week even bigger/better next year? 

(yeah ya do!)

We'd love to have you on next year's PTSA board - email inquiries/interest: president@kirklandptsa.org

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