Upcoming Events

General Membership meetings are scheduled at school for these dates:
Tues, 11/14 at 7pm
Tues, 2/6 at 7pm
Tues, 5/7 at 7pm

 Principal Cassaro will also be holding parent talks on these same dates
starting at 6:30pm.


No Upcoming Events


Welcome to Kirkland Middle School's new PTSA site! We warmly invite you to join our efforts to support the school, the staff, and the students in our community.





KiMS Carnival
is coming soon!

Check out the 6/1 Panther Postcard for details, and if you can volunteer to help, please sign up ASAP!


 KiMS PTSA Member News & Events:


Did you know... if you missed something from KiMS PTSA, one benefit you have as a PTSA member is that you have access to the Panther Postcard and Panthergram archives for the 2023-24 school year. This comms archive shows up on the Our PTSA top nav menu when you are logged in as a member.


Members can also access the PTSA's Family Directory from our website.
Join us today!


(Note that you must be logged into the site with your membership info to access these member pages)




General Membership meetings are scheduled at school on these dates:

Tues, May 7th at 7pm


Principal Cassaro will also be holding parent talks on these same dates starting at 6:30pm.






 Join or renew your PTSA membership: 


1: REGISTER your family with our ptsa: 

Part of our PTSA's work is to keep families informed about what's going on at school. When you register your family with us here on our great new website tool (by creating or confirming a membership toolkit account at no cost), we'll keep you in-the-know with our monthly PantherGram newsletter and our Panther Postcards. We'll also include your family in the student directory, so you will have access to find other students and friends. You'll also be able to see opportunities to make purchases, volunteer, donate, and complete any PTSA paperwork  - all online in one spot - right here on our new website!


You will be prompted to log in. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account 
with another organization (for example, from your elementary school), you can use the same log-in here.


2: Become a member of kims Ptsa:  

KiMS PTSA is committed to making Kirkland Middle the best school it can be!


By joining KiMS PTSA you are making a statement and affirming that our teachers, students, and families are important! Your membership helps us more easily reach out to you and also to build our middle school community. Stay informed about what is going on, and stay involved in this important time in your student's life.


The cost of an annual membership is $27 for 2 adults, $17 for a single person and $10 for staff. Membership needs to be renewed annually (so if you were a member last year, you'll need to rejoin this year).  

Join PTSA Today



GIVE an annual gift at the beginning of the school year in September. With a very small PTSA team for the 2023-24 school year, we may hold an annual fundraiser later in the year, but giving a donation in September helps us know how much we have to work with for the school year, and how much we need to raise later in the school year to support the school's needs.  


kiMS General MEMBERSHIP MeetingS:


General Membership meetings are scheduled at school for these dates:
Tues, 5/7 at 7pm


Principal Cassaro will also be holding parent talks on these same dates starting at 6:30pm.



Social Media

Join us on our social channels for real-time updates and quick news!